I used to be a vegetarian. 10 years ago, maybe more like 15. Now I eat bacon and sausage, and organic (or fried) chicken, yada yada. It was a slow roll, but I am now officially not a veg. But my sisters, we can call them BeeBurger and NatBurger, they both are, and I still fancy myself a vegetarian when I have to go to a wedding and check my box (beef or veg?), or when I see a veggie burger on the menu. No matter where I go, if there is a veggie burger on the menu, I have to try it.
When I had my son a year ago- we can call him Slider- I hardly cooked for a few months. My job gave us $500 for take-out reimbursement (cool, right?), so I used that to buy exactly 1 month's worth of veggie burgers from this spot down the street from us, D's. Oooooh, I loved that burger! We have since moved, and I miss it, and it's kind of like I am now on a quest to find my favorite burger. And since I'm new to Austin (where I live now) and new-ish to motherhood, that means I have some, er, free time on my hands. So lucky followers can join in my quest. I had this bright idea to chronicle my taste tests at restaurants around town and when I travel. My hubby, Husburger, said that I should do something more Julie and Julia-esque and choose a finite number. Like 100 veggie burgers. I like it. So, Husburger has convinced me. My plan is to test 100 veggie burgers in 2011, mainly at restaurants, but I'll throw in some posts on the freezer aisle, recipes, and the like. And please, by all means, if you think I should try one (no matter the location, I like to travel...or used to, before Slider started making it kind of a challenge), chime in.
I have never done anything like this, so it's an experiment to say the least. We'll see where it takes me. Maybe one day I will be brought on as an expert to talk about the rise of the veggie burger. I mean, look around, burgers are so hot right now, but veggie burgers should have their own time in the sun.
Alright world, or family, friends, and Pamburger & HBurger's (my parents') friends...let's eat!
BeeBurger here. I'm no foodie, but I can get down with this quest. Hands down, the best veggie burger I have ever had was from Ananda Fuara (means 'Fountain of Delight' and they ain't lyin). Made with whole grains and holy divine intervention from Sri Chinmoy himself. http://www.anandafuara.com/
ReplyDeleteJBurger - Great idea, as a vegetarian I can never get enough veggie burgers, and a good one is tough to find! I am always on the look out, so I am glad you are doing the dirty work. I may be biased, but I love the veggie burger at Centro. I never miss it when I am in Des Moines. http://www.centrodesmoines.com - NatBurger
ReplyDeleteLove this! As a new veg, I can't wait to see what you find. One of the best veggie burgers I have ever had was at - and I swear this is true - Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. I was expecting a microwaved Boca burger and was surprised with a homemade black bean veggie burger delight.
ReplyDeleteJBurger, you crack me up. Fun idea and well-done! I was a veg since our time at camp. Slowly added fish, then chicken, but it wasn't until I was nursing baby #1 that I craved red meat. Now I am with you - bring on the bacon, sausage, and meatballs. I like your quest to find great veggie burgers and will do my best to stay current on your findings and add to it when I can.
ReplyDelete=) Lil b