Sunday, January 30, 2011

#6, JFK

You might think that a snow storm could keep a girl from getting out of JFK on time, but thanks to reliable Jet Blue, I was out 5 minutes early and home in no time.  One of my favorite things about JFK's JetBlue terminal are those awesome touchscreen stations where you can charge up, order from the screen, and in about 5 minutes, someone delivers your food to you.  Voila.  In theory, it's great.  And in the past I have done this without's great because I can charge my many gadgets and even video chat with Slider while he eats.  I guess the snow storm also impacted wait staff and technical ability though because half of the touchscreens were broken and it took waaaay too long to get my veggie burger.  To be honest, I was surprised by this burger, it was not at all what I expected for airport fare.

Grade: C+

What I liked: This is a hearty burger and the first few bites were great and very surprising.  I ended up just eating the burger (no bun...I can't have this little project packing on the pounds!) which was more than enough food by itself.

What Missed:  Tooooo potato-y!  This reminded me a lot of something that Dr. Praegger (sp?) would make.  He has those potato and spinach cakes, you know?  It reminded me of that.  I started to get really tired of such a distinct taste after a while.  But it is an airport veggie burger, and as they go, I would have to say that I am impressed.  So, on an absolute scale, a C.  On a scale with other airport veggie burgers, probably more like an A-...I'll have to do more research before I make that final!

What Slider Liked: Nothing at all!  The wireless was ridiculously slow because everyone was on, waiting for their delayed we couldn't video chat after all.

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